
"Pender Island" is a fictional web-based series created by the webmaster and should not be reproduce in partial or in whole. This site solely exists for entertainment purposes only and is in no way affiliated with any of the actors, actresses, or models portrayed within. All episodes and its characters are purely fictional and any connection to the lives of anyone living or deceased is purely coincidental.

In addition, all images and media found on this site belong to their prospective owners and/or origin of location and have been credited to them whenever possible. It is not my intention nor wish to infringe upon the original owner's copyright. Thus, if a copyright holder is displeased with the use of his/her image(s) on this site and would like them to be removed, please contact me so that I may begin the eradication process.

FINAL AFFIRMATION: I also acknowledge that I am not responsible for any content linked or referred to from this site (example: pop-up ads). If any damage occurs by the use of information presented there, I am not to be held accountable. All resources included on this site are appropriate for individuals 13 years of age and up.

Disclaimer | Contact - odaatseries@gmail.com | © 2014 Pender Island